Saturday, August 16, 2014

Nijiya Japanese Market

After the picnic we drove to Sawtelle also known as Little Osaka to get some sushi-grade fish from our favorite Japanese market/grocery store Nijiya.

By the entrance, on the left side, there is a food stall with no cashier so payment is made inside the store. Once you hand-over the receipt they will prepare the food.

Husband grabbed a skewer of grilled octopus and a box of udon and we three sat in one of the set-up tables.

Back to shopping, we grabbed Wakame (Seaweed Salad)  in the prepared food section. Then proceeded to the fish section and got Bincho Maguro (Albacore Tuna), Hon Maguro (Blue Fin Tuna), Hamachi (Yellowtail), Uni and Ikura (Salmon Roe). From the grocery section we got ponzu sauce, sashimi soy sauce, ginger dressing, Japanese rice, wasabi and furikake.

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