Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Panini in the Kitchen

The first time I had a panini or panino, as it is commonly called in Italy, was in Rome in a small cafe next to the Pantheon. 

If time is of the essence, like when you're traveling and you would like to cover as many places as you could, panino is really a convenient grab and go lunch.

Back to the kitchen... 

I sliced the ciabatta in half then cut into three portions. I spread the Camembert cheese on one side then placed on the panini grill. When cheese has melted I added jamón serrano, chorizo de cantimpalo and egg cooked over easy.
The other side I topped with super juicy tomatoes, sprinkled with salt and pepper and drizzled with olive oil.

Put them together. Then closed the panini press.

There you go, a fusion panino with cheese from France, cured meet from Spain, Italian bread from Whole Foods and organic tomatoes and organic cage-free egg from somewhere in California.

And yes, that's me enjoying a panino in Rome.

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