Saturday, March 15, 2014

94th Aero Squadron

We had a great time watching planes take off and land while having brunch at 94th Aero Squadron.

On the table...

Beer Cheese Soup
Shrimp & Crab Louie
American Kobe Beef Burger

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Mediterranean Mezze

Sharing an array of delicious small dishes at a leisurely pace is what husband and I were looking forward to after today’s mass ended. 
Destination:  Mantee, a charming cafĂ© serving Mediterranean mezze  in Studio City.On the table…
  • Fattoush
  • Matabbal
  • Kebbe Naye
  • Basterma with Quail Egg
  • Shish Kebab

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Off to ToddlerTown

This morning the sun was out shining so we got out the door first thing and headed to ToddlerTown.  The Little Guy had a great time and squealed with delight as he glided down the slide. Next time we'll tag Daddy along so we could take better photos...

Friday, March 7, 2014

Sushi Friday @ Toshi

It's sushi Friday to celebrate the end of a work week.

On the table...
  • Ankimo
  • Uni Sashimi
  • Salmon Sushi
  • Tuna Sushi
  • Mackerel Sushi
  • Baked Mussel
  • Toshi Roll
  • Lobster Roll