Friday, April 5, 2019

Tulips and Tomatomania

At Descanso Gardens to see the tulips, magnolias, cherries and irises in full bloom as well as to visit the TOMATOMANIA, the world's largest tomato seedling sale.

A Healthy and Delicious Breakfast from the Garden

Weekends are for slowing down and lazing away and there's no better way to kick off the weekend than a healthy and delicious breakfast with vegetables from the backyard garden.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Migrating Painted Lady Butterflies in Los Angeles

A magical phenomenon is currently happening in Southern California as millions of painted lady butterflies flutter in the sky as they migrate across the state heading north from the desserts of Mexico to the Pacific Northwest.  

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Growing Blueberries

Blueberry is one superfood that you can easily grow in your Los Angeles backyard. Please checkout this video...

Making Salmon En Papillote With The Little Boy

A perfect recipe for a weeknight dinner --  salmon papillote topped with tomatoes, garden herbs and lemon. Please check out this video,

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Growing Perennials - fruit bearing trees, bushes and vines

If you are gardening in zone 9, specifically Southern California, this video will give you an idea on which varieties of fruit bearing trees, bushes and vines would grow well in your yard.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Sowing Seeds in mid-February

It is mid-February, the weather is fairly cold and the wind is blowing, but it is a holiday, so we ventured out into the backyard garden to sow some seeds of radishes, leeks, beets, eggplants, sunflowers and pole beans - as well as the taro that have sprouted from the kitchen counter. Please check out our latest video on YouTube

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Breakfast from the Garden

Just a few steps away from our kitchen is our edible garden where I picked some vegetables that I used for this breakfast skillet – peppermint chard, snow peas, French sorrel, parsley and tomatoes. Happy Sunday!

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Vegetable Garden in Los Angeles

A tour of our organic vegetable garden in the city of Los Angeles. We are growing lots of cold-loving edibles  and vegetables that are not usually available at the grocery stores like peppermint chard, purple kohlrabi, pink celery and many more. YouTube video

Sunday, January 20, 2019

How to Pickle Mustard Greens

If you are growing mustard greens, here are some recipe ideas for using them fresh and pickled.

Have a lovely rest of the weekend!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Harvesting Water Through Rain Barrels

It's a rainy week in Los Angeles and all four huge rain barrels around the house are filled up.  It should be enough to water our edible garden for two to three months.

Please check out our latest video...

Monday, January 14, 2019

Sugar Snap Peas and Watermelon Radish

It was a rainy day in Los Angeles yesterday. As soon as the rain stopped, I went to the garden to pick some vegetables - sugar snap peas, watermelon radish, romaine lettuce and strawberry. 

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Edible Garden in January

We are so blessed we can garden year-round in this part of the country. Here’s a peek at what we are growing in our edible garden in mid-January.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Edible Gardening in Los Angeles

We grow more than 100 varieties of edible plants in our backyard.

Garden to Table

Freshly-picked romaine lettuce and flowers from the garden.

Please check my YouTube channel for weekly videos.

Bok Choy Flowers

These are a bok choy that have bolted.

When soil gets warm, plants tend to bolt... they send flower stalks and focus all their energy in producing seeds. It’s a survival mode to make sure they produce the next generation through their seeds. And once plants start to bolt, they stop producing foliage.

When our plants bolt, we don’t usually uproot them. We leave them a little longer because bees love them.

If you are into gardening or interested in growing edibles, please visit YouTube for weekly updates.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Watermelon Radish

My first attempt at growing watermelon radishes. Aren't they so pretty?

if you like edible gardening, please join me on YouTube in our journey to grow organic, explore recipes and cooking ideas and live a simple and healthy lifestyle.
