Saturday, August 3, 2013

Baby is now 6 months

Happy 6 months, our Little Bundle of Joy!  You are one very beloved boy! You bring more joy to Daddy and Mommy than words can say.

At 6 months you...

-- Fit in 6 – 9 months clothes

-- Wear size 3 diapers

-- Drink six to seven 6 oz bottles a day.

-- Had your first rice cereal earlier this week

-- Sleep 9 - 11 hours at night.  Take 2 – 3 naps during the day

-- Are definitely teething, with lots of drooling, but still no teeth.  You started rubbing and chewing more around 4 - 5 months.  We are hoping they poke through soon.

-- Started kissing me whenever I pick you up from day care.

-- Can scoot around in a circle. 

-- Continue to talk and babble

-- You love your Jumperoo.  You have so much fun bouncing in it.

-- Always look back and forth between Daddy and Mommy to make sure we both get the same attention from you.

And, you’re happy as can be – and so are we :-)

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