Friday, January 1, 2016

On New Year's Eve

We feasted on Hoppin' John and sauteed collard greens -- traditionally served on New Year and considered lucky food in the South. We also had spaghetti which equates to long life in Chinese tradition as well as a variety of round fruits, thirteen in total, one for each month of the coming year plus one extra to signify abundance. This is one tradition many Filipinos all over the world follow.

When the clock strikes midnight we were standing at the doorstep throwing a bucket of coins into the house to attract good fortune. Then we ate twelve grapes, a Spanish tradition called "las doce uvas de la suerte." Actually, thirteen, I tweaked it a bit, so we have "extra"  like the round fruits.  It's nice to have more than enough to save for the rainy days.

So farewell 2015. What an amazing year it has been. I'm loking forward to creating more happy memories in 2016.

Happy New Year to y'all! May the coming year be a joyous, healthy and a prosperous one!


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