Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Sky Pool

The Sky Pool is perched on top of the highest hill overlooking the ocean.

Here are some snapshots of our fun afternoon at the Sky Pool.

Anniversary Dinner Date at Spago

Celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary at Wolfgang Puck's Spago in Beverly Hills -- one of only four 2-star Michelin rated restaurants in Los Angeles.  We've been to the other one, Providence  (on this blog) but haven't been to Melisse and Urasawa yet.

Back to Spago, the experience was one you would expect from a restaurant of this caliber from start to finish... elegant dining room, top-notch dishes and very polished service. 

 On the table...

- Chirashi Sushi Box, Big Eye Tuna, Salmon Pearls, Red Snapper, Hamachi Tosa Soy and Yuzu Gelee

- Half-Dozen Iced Fanny Bay and Kumamoto Oysters, Cocktail Sauce, Mignonette  

- Farfalle Pasta with Maine Lobster, Spring Onions, Micro Basil 

- Agnolotti, with Black Truffles

The bill came out to almost $500 including tax and tip.

Address: 176 N Canon Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 
Phone   :(310) 385-0880

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Sunset & Sushi

Savoring the last few days of our vacation as time is passing by so quickly.

At Sunset & Sushi...

Lunch with Friends at El Toro Guero

Friends we met from our last trip to Mexico a couple of years ago brought us here at El Toro Guero.

Ceviche, raw oysters and grilled fish.

Muy delicioso!  The best Mexican food we ever had!!! Can't wait to be back...


The Little Guy had a great time taking a bath on a sink and so amused with the tissue box he ended up pulling them one by one.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Mexican Night

Hola!  It's Mexican Night tonight and dinner is served on the beach. 

While the sun goes down.

And the water sparkles.  

A Mariachi band is playing some familiar songs like La Bamba, Novia Mia, La Calandria and No Volvere.

Ay yay yayay!

Let's fiesta like there's no maƱana!

Picnic by the Beach

Now it's time for a leisurely morning on the beach...

Love the cool ocean breeze, the sound of the waves crashing on the shore and the feel of the sand on my bare feet!

Out Into the Sun and Sand

Yay, it’s time for a beach outing!

Beach toys on one hand, picnic blanket on the other, we headed down to the resort’s private beach for some fun under the Mexican sun.

Little guy was endlessly amused dumping sand into and out of the bucket and truck.


On a baby pool float, with his swimsuit and swim diaper on, the Little Guy took his first splash in a swimming pool, kicking his legs like he knew how to swim.

Here are some snapshots from his first pool adventure.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Egg Hunting

Last Easter, Little Guy was only 2 months old, so the best we could do was to dress him up with “My First Easter.”

This year, he’s big enough to join the Easter Egg Hunt and have fun.

Easter Breakfast

Started off Easter Sunday with a hearty breakfast while enjoying the beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean… 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Hello Cabo!

Bumpy ride, swerving turns… the lady seated next to us on the van from the airport to the hotel was so amazed how the Little Guy managed to stay asleep the entire time.

Once we got to our suite, he ran back and forth and squealed with delight…

Nite-nite friends! I'll leave you with these snapshots from our first day/night in Cabo. 

Until tomorrow...

Friday, April 18, 2014

First Plane Trip

This a test flight, sort of a preview of what we should expect when we fly to Asia in December.  So where is the Little Guy/World-Traveler-in-the-Making headed to?  To south of the border, to the southern tip of Baja California peninsula, to the beautiful Mexican city of Cabo!

As a memento of his first trip outside of the United States, we photographed him holding a passport. 

Then we proceeded to B Grill by BOA Steakhouse for breakfast. Right before we boarded, he had a bottle of milk.  He fell asleep and was asleep until about 20 minutes before we landed.  Toys and books kept him happy and entertained until we got off the plane.  Note to self:  bring tons of toys, books, coloring books and stickers on the next flight.

Here are some snapshots…