Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Developmental Milestones: 3 - 4 Months

So our Little Bundle of Joy turns 4 months today.  So far...

-- He was able to flip from his back to his tummy and crawled a little bit on May 11th.  He hasn't done it
   again since.

-- He wants to feed himself, but can really only hang on to his bottle for about 2 minutes.  

-- He loves his hands particularly when they are holding his feet.  

-- He continues to sleep 6 - 8 hours straight at night.  We let him sleep on his crib through the night for
   the very first time on May 30th.

-- He can sit with Daddy/Mommy's help, but only for like 30 seconds before flopping. :-)

-- He remains a big fan of the Kick and Play Piano Gym.

-- He talks tons, squeals and jibber jabber.

-- He enjoys listening to nursery  rhymes.

-- He loves bath time. He kicks and splashes the water every time.

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