Saturday, June 8, 2013

Mouthwatering Mezze Dishes at Mantee Café

Today’s lunch was a feast to the senses that transported us to the Middle East/Mediterranean.  I’m talking about mezze dishes at Mantee Café, a charming and romantic restaurant quietly tucked on Ventura Blvd in Studio City. Just like Spanish tapas, mezze-style dining consists of salad and a variety of hot and cold dishes in small plates. 

On the table... 

Armenian Salad - chopped cucumber,  tomato and romaine lettuce with vinaigrette dressing

Motabbal - charbroiled eggplant seasoned with lemon, garlic and sesame paste

Kibbe Nayyeh - seasoned fresh tartar meat with crushed wheat 

Soujuk Flambé - Armenian beef sausage sautéed with fresh tomato and prepared table side

Bamia - okra cooked in tomato sauce

King's Delight - diced filet mignon sautéed in garlic, tomato and parsley

Aish el Saraya - a Lebanese desert which means “the bread of royal palace" 

I love Mantee Café.  Food is consistently delicious, service is always professional and attentive and the owner is nice and friendly.




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