Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Little Bundle of Joy is now 5 months

Happy 5-Month Birthday our Little Bundle of Joy! Hip hip hooray!

At 5 months you… 

-- Fit in 3 – 6 months and 6 – 9 months clothing depending on the brand

-- Wear size 2 diapers

-- Drink seven to eight 4 oz bottles a day and can hold his bottle.  We’ll start solids next month

-- Sleep 9 - 11 hours at night.  Take 2 – 3 naps during the day

-- Roll side to side, back to tummy and tummy to back

-- Have better hand-eye coordination.  You can get objects into your mouth and can transfer them from one hand to the other.

-- Are currently teething

-- Love bathtime

-- Giggle and laugh

-- Are always ready to flash your sweet smile

-- Legs are constantly in motion

-- And, you remain the easiest baby to take places :-)

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