Friday, July 19, 2013

Omakase at Iwata

Omakase means “it’s up to you” so all dishes are creatively prepared with the freshest ingredients available to the Chef on the day of the meal.  We had omakase twice before – with Chef Nozawa in Studio  City, now retired and replaced by his son’s Sugarfish, and with Chef Yotsuya in Encino.  Both memorable and worth savoring. 

Anyway, back to Iwata,”Irashaimase”, the waitress greeted.  As soon as we were seated, the chef asked, “Your way or my way?”  Went with him and each bite was perfection from beginning to end.  We started off with Red Snapper.  Next was Halibut, then came Tuna Albacore, Aji, Scottish Salmon, Miso Cod, Sweet Shrimp, Tahitian Tuna, Hamachi and Japanese Scallops (we were chatting with the chef and forgot to take a photo of this dish) and Uni served on a block of ice.

I would say Omakase is the way to go here, there’s no other way!

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