Thursday, November 7, 2013

9-Month Pediatrician Visit

Since our Little Bundle of Joy's 6-month appointment back in August, we have been to the clinic twice for his flu shots -- in September and October. Then, today we took him in again for his 9-month Well Child visit. 

Here are his latest stats:
Weight: 17.3 lbs
Length: 28 inches 

The Pediatrician checked his eyes, ears and breathing as well as discussed his eating and sleeping habits, developmental milestones and behavior.  In addition, we also filled out a  Well Baby questionnaire.

Baby also had his last Hep B vaccine and took a vision test.  For the vision test, we went to a room next door. The nurse attached two wires on the baby's forehead and another one on his back then covered his one eye with a patch and showed various images  -  butterfly, umbrella, clover  leaf, etc,  Once done, the nurse  switched the eye patch to the other eye and repeated the test.

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