Sunday, June 4, 2017

Watermelon Picnic

Nothing says summer like a refreshing thirst-quenching watermelon. Let me back track a bit. Two months ago, I saw a huge box filled with watermelon at the grocery store where we shop. I grabbed one, but then, while walking out the door, I noticed on the receipt that it was $12+… 12 bucks for a watermelon, holy cow!  I walked back and returned it. When we got home, the Little Guy headed  to the backyard with a picnic blanket.  I asked, “are we having a picnic?” He said, yes, mommy, we got watermelon.” For him, watermelon equates to picnic.  So I told him that it was too expensive so I returned it. We did end up having a picnic that day, but we had yogurt instead.

Fast forward to today, watermelons are on sale everywhere.  Photo below shows the Little Guy enjoying a watermelon picnic.


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