Thursday, May 16, 2013

Midweek Lunch with Hubby

Husband and I have been meeting up for lunch at a shopping mall two to three times a week.  There are a few reasons why we prefer this place – it’s a 5-minute drive from hubby’s office, we can go late to avoid lunch rush and Little Bundle of Joy and I can go shopping/window shopping afterwards.  Speaking of shopping, it is pretty much a breeze with Joshua since he is such an easy happy mellow baby. Love it when we’re in a dressing room and he is wide awake on his stroller smiling at me -- as if telling me to buy the clothes I’m trying on :-)

Here are some pictures we snapped... 

Hi Daddy, we've been waiting for you:-)

Baby and Daddy time...

So that Mommy can finish her gelato

Marscapone Caramel Pistachio and Toasted Almond Coconut Fudge
Now, it's time to feed the baby

Bye, bye Daddy... see you at home

I'm off to window shop with Mommy...
Now, we're heading home...

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