Friday, September 12, 2014

The Long Drive

Signed off my work laptop. Packed our stuff. Then we hit the road.  Had to beat the Friday afternoon rush hour traffic when vehicles are moving at a speed of 1 mile an hour or in worst cases not moving at all.

We took I-405 to I-5 to SR-14 on to the Mojave Dessert on a scorching triple-digit weather. Temperature display on the dashboard said, it was 103 degrees outside.  

While looking at the Joshua trees scattered on the side of the road, I wondered… how did the American Indians, the pilgrims and the pioneers crossed this dessert thousands of years ago?

From SR-14 we took I-15.  Then on we drove for hours while the Little Guy, cuddling his toy truck, was snoring in the backseat.  He woke up a few miles before the California-Nevada border.

We stopped by at the Gold Strike to stretch our legs.  Husband went inside the casino, played for about ten minutes and walked away 100 bucks richer. He smiled and said, “told ya, there’s a better chance of winning outside the Strip.”

Then on the road again… Vegas seemed as far off as ever.

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