Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Venetian

Plop, he falls. Then he stands up.  Not a word is heard.  Then he continues running.  He falls again and stands up again.

If you saw a toddler on the loose and a mom running right next to him at The Venetian... that must be us.

The plan was to watch Cirque du Soleil with our friends until we found out that we could not take the Little Guy (below the age limit), so we ended up meeting for dinner at The Venetian.

While husband and friends were still chatting at the restaurant, the Little Guy started to grab stuff on the table, so I excused us. I thought I'd carry him and walk around.  Oh, no no... he wanted to run... so off he ran for like an hour.  I tried to pick him up several times but he cried so loud like he's being kidnapped.  I called the husband, he carried him and we walked around. Had gelato and listened to the Venetian Trio performing at St. Mark's Square.


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