Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Baby Has Arrived

Our sweet baby boy arrived dramatically on February 3rd via an emergency c-section.  He came out 20 3/4  inches long and tipped the scale at 7 lbs 9 oz. 

I had an extremely easy pregnancy, but the delivery was a horrifying experience.  I tried for a vaginal delivery and pushed for almost an hour once I was fully dilated, but Baby Joshua did not come out.  Seemed like he was too comfortable in my womb  so  OB/GYN decided to perform a c-section.  While they were wheeling me out of the L&D room, I started bleeding.  My placenta detached and I lost all my blood. I was transfused 14 units of blood and ended up in the ICU with breathing tubes on my nose and mouth, a central venous catheter and central IV lines

So blessed to have such a loving and caring husband who was by my side 24/7 while I was in the hospital. And, also grateful for the team of doctors who saved our lives.

Our Little Bundle of Joy

Top:  A snapshot of me during labor 
Bottom:  Bonding with Baby J after I was discharged from the ICU

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