Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Developmental Milestones: 1 Month

He can follow objects briefly with eyes.

He loves to look around and likes black and white patterns.

He vocalizes “oohs” and “aahs” and a variety of strange noises. I love chatting with him.  I can’t wait for him to “talk” more.

He has much better head control now.

He can hold his pacifier for a brief moment.

He has been flashing some occasional smiles although I haven't gotten any pictures of it.

He usually wakes-up every 3 hours at night.  Husband and I are usually up about 30 – 45 minutes to feed and change his diaper.

Changing his diaper is pretty easy unless he decides to wait to poop until he has been changed and has a brand new diaper on or pee while we are changing. 

He now loves bath time and being naked which he used to detest.  He also likes it when he is all wrapped up in his hooded towel afterwards.   

And, he loves posing for Daddy and Mommy :-)
Here are some snapshots...

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