Monday, April 8, 2013

2-Month Pediatrician Visit and Vaccination

It’s official our Little Bundle of Joy is now 2 months old which means it is time for the second pediatrician visit.

The doctor checked his weight, length and head circumference – as well as his eyes, ears and breathing.  His development is on track.  Here are his stats:

Weight: 11 lbs 14 oz (30.8 percentile)
Length: 23 inches (65.5 percentile)
Head Circumference: 40 cm (88.5 percentile)

Our poor little bundle of joy also had to get his 2 month shots. He cried when the nurse gave him the RotaTeq #1, a liquid vaccine given by mouth – but he took the needle sticks like a champ.  He had Prevnar #1, Pentacel (DTaP, IPV, HIB) #1 and Hep B #2  -- and got Angry Birds band-aids on both legs.  He fell asleep on our way home.  He woke up at around 7 PM and cried for about 10 minutes then went back to sleep.  He didn’t cry after that.  He was just very sleepy that whole night and the following day.

Now, for a few snapshots…

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