Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter Sunday

Hope y’all had a lovely Easter!

Easter Sunday in Los Angeles was gloomy and a bit chilly so we decided to stay snuggled in our warm bed for a little longer.  We got up around 10 AM’ish, showered, dressed and spent another hour or two looking for a place to eat.  So much to choose from we had a hard time deciding, as always :-)  Anyway, we ended up at a steakhouse.  I had lobster and steak.  Husband had steak and scallops. After lunch we went home swinging by Starbucks on the way.  The little one could not join Easter egg hunting yet… although we made an Easter basket for him to remember his first Easter. 

And now, for some snapshots...

Baby's First Easter basket (the chocolates are for Mommy... LOL!)

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