Thursday, April 18, 2013

Bye, Bye Swaddle!

Well, our little bundle of joy is officially done with his swaddle. We transitioned him out of it at 8 weeks and now completely sleeps on his jammies. Watching him grow is bittersweet for me. I so love him exactly the way he is right now and I’m sad that he is growing out of some of his clothes, but at the same time I’m also excited to see what he will do next.

I can still freshly recall our first night home from the hospital. How my heart aches at how quickly time went by.  It can be tiring sometimes since he wants to be carried all the time during daytime which means I have to take 3-minute shower and 3-minute lunch (anything that takes no longer than 1 minute to prepare or grab from the kitchen), yet I continue to truly enjoy soaking in every second of it because I know that these precious moments will never come back.  

Anyway, some people will tell you not to hold your baby too much because you can spoil them.  Absolutely not true!  Babies younger than four months cannot be spoiled.  The reason why they want to be carried around all the time is because they became aware that they are separate beings from their mothers and fear that you will not come back when you leave them.  So they cry because they truly need you.  They don’t have recall memory yet or the ability to remember the details of a specific experience.  They don’t remember that last time you left, you came back.  They need constant reassurance and love -- so folks enjoy your little bundle of joy while you can.  

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